Economics of cybersecurity

Relatore: Paolo Lombardi, Trust-IT Srl

Data: 18 settembre

Orario: 11:00

Modalità: per partecipare è necessario iscriversi compilando il form al link entro le ore 13.00 del 16 settembre. Per l’accesso, utilizzare il QR code scaricabile di seguiro.

Abstract: Cybersecurity, like many other knowledge-intensive areas, has technical aspects and economic drivers that are inextricably intertwined. This seminar aims to explore, with some practical, business-centred examples, the way more than 50% of the European economy and 2/3 of the European workforce should be looking at cybersecurity. Paraphrasing the NIST framework (identify – protect – detect – respond – recover), the economic aspects for SMEs are dealt with: increasing awareness, getting equipped, and building the last line of defence.